What is an FPV Drone?
FPV stands for First-Person View, which means that during an FPV flight, the pilot is operating the drone from the drone’s point of view (typically through some form of VR headset). There are many advantages to flying an FPV drone. The first and main advantage is precision.
Flying a drone with goggles allows the pilot to navigate extremely tight spaces. Spaces that a traditional drone could never operate in. One of the clearest examples of this is flying indoors. An FPV drone can navigate an indoor space fairly easily, whereas a traditional drone would not be able to fly behind walls without proper line of sight. This means that an FPV drone is ideal for instances where one is looking to fly a drone throughout a home or business. We are beginning to see FPV drones more and more commercialized. Companies are utilizing this technology to achieve really creative shots that could have never been done before. One of the recent FPV videos that went viral was a local bowling alley in Minnesota (The Guardian).

Are FPV Drones Safe?

As long as all precautions are taken before and during the flight, FPV drones can be very safe. With recent technology, smaller FPV drones, also known as Cinewhoops have bumpers around the propellers. This allows for safe flying around people and obstacles. So in the event the drone bumps into a wall or person, there is no direct contact to the propellers. The drone will simply bounce off the object and continue flying.